Leather and Lining - DGS-Italy

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Leather and Lining

Services > Footwear Factories

The DGS, thanks to the experience gained over the years by its members, is able to provide a complete offer in the leather field with articles suitable for the production of classic and casual shoes.
During the years of its activity the DGS has devoted itself to searching and selecting the firms to work with,  according to their quality, reliability and professionalism.
The offered leathers are both items from the collection of articles developed according to the latest leather trends (Lineapelle Bologna), and personalized articles based on specific needs or customers' samples.

The strong points of the service we offer are all the steps following the placement of the order, since our assistance is not limited only to the identifying and definition of the articles but continues until their shipping.

Our Customer receives from us:

  • monitoring compliance with production time defined in order;

  • control and verification correspondence of the quality and article to the order;

  • selection of the leather before shipment.

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